Prevents crabgrass and other common lawn weeds for up to four months and kills seedling crabgrass for up to four weeks after it germinates. Apply later in spring for season-long lawn weed control.
Don't choose between killing and preventing–get both!
Prevents crabgrass all season, even up to four weeks after new crabgrass seedlings emerge
Provides control or suppression of other listed weeds when applied prior to their germination
Can be applied later in the spring to provide season-long weed control for some of the toughest lawn weeds, including crabgrass, chickweed, henbit, yellow foxtail and spurge
Apply this product only to established lawns and ornamentals
For use on established warm season turfgrasses - includes bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, buffalograss, bahiagrass, carpetgrass, and zoysiagrass
For use on established cool season turfgrasses - includes Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, creeping bentgrass, and turf-type tall fescues