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This is one of the most popular of the winter or storage squashes. The turban shaped fruits have dark green skin flecked with gray spots and grow to about 6" (15 cm) across. Weight averages 3-4 lbs (1-2 kg). The sweet, meaty flesh is deep orange. Excellent baked, steamed, or microwaved.
Culture: Directly sow seed at about the frost free date into rich, fertile soil. Usually sown in groups (hills) of 4-6 seeds and thinned to the 2-3 strongest plants per group. Water regularly and fertilize when lateral runners begin to spread.
Harvest: Shortly before fall frost, cut from plant, leaving a portion of the stem attached. Skin should be dark green and firm.
Nutrition: Excellent source of fiber and vitamin A; also supplies minerals and vitamins B and C.