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Home garden favorite, dependable, heavy yielding. Carrot matures in 75 days. The root is 7"-7.75" (18-19 cm.) long, slightly tapered with a blunt end. Color - bright orange. Very sweet with good flavor, fine grained and tender. Heirloom variety.
Culture: Carrots do best in sandy, well limed soil. Prepare soil so that it is very loose. This variety is preferred where deep cultivation is difficult. Sow thinly, 0.75" (1 cm.) deep, and cover with light soil. Firm soil with back of hoe. Easy to establish in raised beds. Thinning is a must for all root crops. Try snipping the tops of unwanted plants, as this action will not disturb the root of carrots left to mature.
Harvest: 75 days.
Nutrition: Low in calories, high in Vitamin A.